Find Your Surrogate

Welcome to PrimaVita Surrogacy
Whether you have been researching for years or are just starting your explorations now, the surrogacy process can be overwhelming.
The most crucial part of your journey to parenthood is finding the right gestational carrier—someone you literally trust with your life, who will help bring your baby into the world.
Factors to consider for your surrogacy search.
There are many factors to consider in your search. Most obviously:
- Is she healthy?
- Has she had healthy, uneventful pregnancies and deliveries?
- Does she pay attention to her diet?
But there’s another level of consideration that is every bit as important.
- Is she a kind person?
- Is she a good communicator?
- Is she supported by her friends and family?
- Is she ready to take on this extremely important responsibility?

PrimaVita is based on relationships.
We truly believe that every baby deserves to be born into a loving relationship. For most people, that means being born into a strong, stable family. In surrogacy, it also means being born into a strong, stable relationship between the baby’s parents and the woman who will carry and deliver the baby.
We don’t think it’s enough to find someone “good enough” to carry your baby. We want you to find The One. The woman who makes you feel totally secure in this process. Who you can laugh with, who you can cry with, who you trust with the most important job in the world.