Estimated Gestational Surrogacy Costs
PrimaVita Surrogacy is committed to making your journey to parenthood as stress-free and as streamlined as possible. We believe that transparency is essential. The total cost of surrogacy will vary from case to case, but your case manager will make sure you understand any potential costs that may arise and help you plan accordingly. Following is a list of average fees and expenses related to surrogacy. These are only estimates, as your actual costs may be higher or lower than these amounts. On average, a singleton surrogacy journey will cost around $100,000-$120,000.
Surrogate Agency Fees
Foundation matching program [1]
Premiere full program supplement [2]
International Fee
Legal Fees
Drafting of Gestational Agreement for intended parents
Agreement review by surrogate’s attorney
Parental establishment documents, court costs
Third party escrow account
Gestational Surrogate Fees
Surrogate compensation (will vary based on surrogate experience)
Monthly allowance (begins at contract signing), $250/mo. approx. 12 months [3]
Maternity clothing
Cycling fee [4]
Life insurance (approximate)
$55,700 and up
$50,000 and up
Surrogate Screening Expenses
Medical and psychological evaluations
Criminal background check
Insurance review
Fertility Clinic
IVF Transfer/Medications (average fee for first cycle) (4)
Possible Surrogate Expenses
Multiples (each additional child)
Housekeeping allowance (third trimester)
Invasive procedures (amnio, CVS, D&C, etc.)
Termination or selective reduction
Lost wages for surrogate and/or spouse
Travel expenses (airfare, hotel, airport parking)
Child care (outside of regular OB appointments)
Surrogate’s loss of organ
Health insurance
$100 per visit
Based on salary

- [1] Foundation program covers everything up to finalizing Gestational Agreement.
- [2] Premiere program covers support for the duration of pregnancy.
- [3] In lieu of itemized costs.
- [4] Additional costs apply for subsequent transfers.